Node / Javascript SDK
The SDK code and documentation are in ALPHA state and are under heavy development. As a result, the apis are still in flux, and the documentation may be out of date with the code.
Emoji ID is a directory service that associates almost any type of structured data with a short, memorable identifier the emoji id.
This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 0.2.262
- Package version: 0.2.262
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen
Until is launched publically, the NPM package will not be available. You can contact the Yat team to obtain a copy of the javascript SDK while the project is in Alpha.
npmnpm install yatjs --save
Finally, you need to build the module:
npm run build
For browserThe library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following
the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Webpack ConfigurationUsing Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module". In this case you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:
module: { rules: [ { parser: { amd: false } } ]}
Getting StartedPlease follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
const yat = require('yatjs');const api = new yat.YatJs();
async function runDemo() { console.log(`Yat API calls will be made to ${api.basePath}`); api.basePath = '; console.log(`Changed base path. Now Yat API calls will be made to ${api.basePath}`); try { let res = await api.login("[email protected]", "wrong_password"); console.log("Logged in (Should not see this): ", res); } catch (res) { console.log(`Could not log in: ${res.error}`); try { await api.users().getAccount(); // Not logged in, should throw an error } catch (res) { console.log(`Cannot access account: ${res.error}`); } } try { await api.login("[email protected]", "real_password"); console.log("Logged in."); let account = await api.users().getAccount(); console.log("Account data:", account); } catch (res) { console.log(`Could not log in: ${res.error}`); }}
runDemo() .then(() => console.log("Bye")) .catch(console.error);
Documentation for API EndpointsOnce you have a YatJs instance, all the sub-APIs are accessed through getters, for example, the cart api is available as
. A full list of sub-APIs and their methods is:
API accessor | Method | Description |
apiKeys() | createApiKey | Create new api key for current user |
apiKeys() | deleteApiKey | Delete provided api key |
apiKeys() | listApiKeys | Load api keys for user |
cart() | addItems | Update cart items by adding new items to the cart |
cart() | applyPromoCode | Apply promo code |
cart() | checkout | Checkout last payment cart |
cart() | checkoutOrder | Checkout saved cart by id |
cart() | clearCart | Remove all items from cart |
cart() | convertOrderToDraft | Convert pending payment cart back into Draft status |
cart() | deletePaymentMethods | Delete payment method |
cart() | getItems | Return cart content |
cart() | listPaymentMethods | Fetch payment methods for the user |
cart() | removeItem | Removes an order item from the cart |
discounts() | activateRandomYatCode | Use random yat code |
discounts() | addPubkeyForCode | Add pubkey for code |
discounts() | listCodes | Fetch codes |
discounts() | revokePubkeyForCode | Revoke pubkey for code |
emoji() | emojiList | List of supported emoji characters |
emojiID() | editEmojiID | Edit EmojiId |
emojiID() | emojiIDMetadata | |
emojiID() | generateSignature | Generates a signature for the Yat allowing it to be minted |
emojiID() | getStats | Get statistics for EmojiId |
emojiID() | linkRedirect | Redirect by EmojiId link |
emojiID() | listEmojiIDs | List user's Emoji Ids |
emojiID() | listExtended | List extended view user's Emoji Ids |
emojiID() | loadJson | Load value from EmojiId key value store |
emojiID() | loadJsonIndex | Load value from EmojiId key value store with data keyed by YatJsonStoreKeys |
emojiID() | lookupEmojiID | Lookup EmojiId |
emojiID() | lookupEmojiIDPayment | Lookup EmojiId Payment addresses |
emojiID() | lookupEmojiIdTicker | Lookup EmojiId data based on a symbol or ticker |
emojiID() | metadata | |
emojiID() | random | Return random Emoji |
emojiID() | recent | Return list of recently purchased emoji |
emojiID() | rhythm | Calculate EmojiId rhythm score |
emojiID() | searchEmojiID | Search for EmojiID |
emojiID() | storeJson | Store value under EmojiId key |
keyManagement() | addPubkey | Add pubkey for current user |
keyManagement() | addPubkeyForUser | Add pubkey for user by user_id |
keyManagement() | createWallet | Generate custodial wallet |
keyManagement() | getPubkeys | Retrieve pubkeys |
keyManagement() | getPubkeysForUser | Retrieve pubkeys by user_id |
lootBoxType() | createType | Create a new lootbox category |
lootBoxType() | generateLootBoxes | Generates a set of loot boxes |
lootBoxType() | getTypes | List all loot box categories |
lootBoxes() | createLootbox | Create a new lootbox |
lootBoxes() | deleteLootbox | Delete a lootbox |
lootBoxes() | listLootboxes | Fetch lootboxes |
lootBoxes() | openLootbox | Open lootbox |
lootBoxes() | showLootbox | Show information about lootbox |
lootBoxes() | updateLootbox | Update a lootbox |
organization() | getBranding | Load organization branding paramters |
organization() | setBranding | Set organization branding parameters |
proxy() | callProxy | Calls a pre-defined proxy service with the provided data |
transfer() | deleteTransfer | Mark transfer request as deleted |
transfer() | listFiltered | List outgoing transfer requests for current or specified user If limit is omitted will display top 50 transfer requests |
transfer() | listIncoming | List transfer requests assigned to user |
transfer() | receiverAcceptTransfer | As a receiver, accept transfer request by id. |
transfer() | requestTransfer | Transfer eid to either the pubkey or email address supplied in the PUT data |
transfer() | resendCode | Resend a new transfer OTP code for the current user, if the transfer allows it. |
transfer() | senderAcceptTransfer | As a sender, confirm the transfer request by transfer id. |
userAuthentication() | login | Login via password |
userAuthentication() | logout | Invalidates all user's access tokens |
userAuthentication() | magicLinkLogin | Generate magic link for login |
userAuthentication() | refreshToken | Refresh access token |
userAuthentication() | twoFactorAuthentication | Two factor authentication |
userFeature() | readFeatures | List users features |
userInterest() | deleteUserInterest | Destroys the user interest preventing this Emoji ID's notification emails from being sent for this user |
userInterest() | getInterestedUsers | Returns a paginated list of user interest records associated with the user |
userInterest() | getUserInterestForYat | Given an EmojiId returns information about the user interest if a record exists for this user |
userInterest() | registerInterest | Create new interest in emoji to be notified when available |
users() | backupDisable2FA | Disable choosen 2FA provider or disable completely using backup code and user primary ID |
users() | confirm2FA | Confirm two factor authentication update |
users() | createUser | Register a User |
users() | deleteUser | Delete a user |
users() | disable2FA | Disable choosen 2FA provider or disable completely |
users() | enable2FA | Enables two factor authentication method |
users() | getAccount | Current user account |
users() | getAllUsers | List users |
users() | load | Load user data for a session |
users() | send2FASms | Send SMS 2FA code |
users() | showUser | Show users |
users() | updateAccount | Update the currently logged in user |
users() | updateUserByAdmin | Update a user as an admin |
wallets() | listWallets | Fetch associated wallet addresses for the user |
wallets() | syncWallet | Associate new wallet address with user |
Documentation for Models#
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
code | String | Confirmation OTP of either the sender or receiver of the transfer |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
items | [AddItemsCartRequestItems] | New items to add to cart | |
tracking_data | Object | Tracking data | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
emoji_id | String | EmojiID to buy |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
status | String | Status lootbox will be created in If status is `Used` lootbox with be automatically opened | |
yats | [String] | LootBox emoji IDs | |
owner_email | String | Assign lootbox an owner with matching email Should not be set if owner_id is set | [optional] |
owner_id | String | Lootbox owner_id, required for Owned and Used lootboxes | [optional] |
Enum: StatusEnumDraft
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
config | AdminNewLootBoxTypeConfig | ||
description | String | A description for the loot box type | |
name | String | the name of the loot box type |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
guarantees | [AdminNewLootBoxTypeConfigGuarantees] | A set of guaranteed drops in this loot box type | |
max_base_score | Number | The upper bound (inclusive) rhythm score for standard yats in the loot box | |
max_length | Number | Maximum yat length | |
min_base_score | Number | The lower bound (inclusive) rhythm score for standard yats in the loot box | |
min_length | Number | Minimum yat length | |
size | Number | The number of yats in the loot box | |
weights | [AdminNewLootBoxTypeConfigWeights] | A set of probability weightings for chance-based drops |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
count | Number | The number of guaranteed drops of this type in the loot box | |
max_score | Number | The highest (inclusive) rhythm score range for guaranteed drop | |
min_score | Number | The lowest (inclusive) rhythm score range for guaranteed drop |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
ipr | Number | The inverse probability ratio. This is a 1:n value. i.e. an ipr of 5 means a 1 in 5 chance of occurring, or 20% | |
max_score | Number | The highest (inclusive) rhythm score range for inclusion when the probability spec hits | |
min_score | Number | The lowest (inclusive) rhythm score range for inclusion when the probability spec hits |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
owner_email | String | Assign lootbox an owner with matching email Should not be set if owner_id is set | [optional] |
owner_id | String | Assign lootbox an owner, if set requires status `Owned` | [optional] |
status | String | Update status If status is `Used` lootbox with be automatically opened | [optional] |
yats | [String] | LootBox emoji IDs | [optional] |
Enum: StatusEnumDraft
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
activation_source | String | Optional: Source of activation | [optional] |
current_password | String | Optional: Current password, must be provided if one exists | [optional] |
String | Optional: Email | [optional] | |
first_name | String | Optional: First name | [optional] |
free_limit | Number | Optional: Free limit for how many yats the user may purchase | [optional] |
last_name | String | Optional: Last name | [optional] |
password | String | Optional: User password | [optional] |
role | String | Optional: Update the user role | [optional] |
Enum: RoleEnumAdmin
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
code | String | Code to apply |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
backup_code | String | Backup code | |
alternate_id | String | Alternate identifier | [optional] |
disable_all | Boolean | Make this method default | [optional] |
String | [optional] | ||
provider | String | Two factor authentication backend | [optional] |
Enum: ProviderEnumGoogleAuthenticator
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
method | String | Payment method type | |
amount | Number | Amount paid in cash. Applicable and required only for `Cash` payment option for Admin. | [optional] |
cancel_url | String | URL user will be redirected if payment cancelled Required for Stripe Checkout | [optional] |
external_reference | String | External reference for cash payment. Applicable and required only for `Cash` payment option for Admin. | [optional] |
pubkey | String | Optional: The user's public key to associate with this emoji id. If provided will use this pubkey otherwise will default to the first pubkey returned for the user. | [optional] |
success_url | String | URL user will be redirected after successful payment Required for Stripe Checkout | [optional] |
tracking_data | Object | Optional: tracking data | [optional] |
Enum: MethodEnumFree
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
code | String | Two factor authentication code | |
refresh_token | String | Refresh token obtained from login request |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
code | String | Auth code of new 2FA provider |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
name | String | ||
expires_at | Date | [optional] | |
scopes | [String] | [optional] |
Enum: [ScopesEnum]adminCart:update
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
features | [CurrentUserFeatures] | Enabled features for the user | |
global_scopes | [String] | A list of fine-grained permissions the user may perform. | |
organization_roles | {String: String} | The role this user has in each organisation. Organisations are currently not used, but are reserved for future operations. | |
organization_scopes | {String: [String]} | The scopes that are granted to this user for each organisation. Organisations are currently not used, but are reserved for future operations. | |
pending_transfers | [String] | List of transfers pending acceptance on current user side | |
pubkeys | [String] | A list of this user's public keys. When yats are deployed to the blockchain, users prove ownership of their Yats with digital signatures, proving knowledge of the private keys that \"own\" the yat. In the centralised implementation of Yat, the server will custody the users' wallets and private keys, but in other respects the ownership model is the same. | |
role | String | The role assigned to this user. Roles grant authority to user accounts to perform certain actions. | |
user | CurrentUserUser | ||
everflow_transaction_id | String | transaction id indicating if the user signed up from a partner via everflow redirect | [optional] |
Enum: [GlobalScopesEnum]adminCart:update
Enum: {String: String}Admin
Enum: {String: [String]}adminCart:update
Enum: RoleEnumAdmin
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
code | String | ||
id | String |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
created_at | Date | ||
free_limit | Number | ||
id | String | ||
pubkeys | [String] | ||
remaining_free_emoji | Number | ||
role | String | ||
two_factor_should_prompt | Boolean | ||
updated_at | Date | ||
alternate_id | String | [optional] | |
deactivated_at | Date | [optional] | |
String | [optional] | ||
email_verified_at | Date | [optional] | |
first_name | String | [optional] | |
last_name | String | [optional] | |
source | String | [optional] | |
two_factor_auth | [String] | [optional] | |
two_factor_last_prompted_at | Date | [optional] |
Enum: RoleEnumAdmin
Enum: [TwoFactorAuthEnum]GoogleAuthenticator
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
disable_all | Boolean | Make this method default | |
provider | String | Two factor authentication backend | [optional] |
Enum: ProviderEnumGoogleAuthenticator
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
api_key | String | ||
created_at | Date | ||
name | String | ||
scopes | [String] | ||
expires_at | Date | [optional] |
Enum: [ScopesEnum]adminCart:update
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
code | String | ||
id | String |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
amount_overpaid_in_cents | Number | Amount overpaid in cents | |
created_at | Date | A UTC timestamp for when this order was initially created. | |
eligible_for_refund | Boolean | Whether an order is eligible for a refund via an admin. | |
id | String | The unique identifier for this order | |
misc_refunded_total_in_cents | Number | The total of miscellaneous refund amounts retirned to the order. | |
order_items | [DisplayOrderOrderItems] | The list of individual line items making up this order. | |
order_number | String | The order number is the last 8 characters of the order's ID for user display purposes. | |
refunded_total_in_cents | Number | The total of refund amounts for the order. | |
remaining_due_in_cents | Number | Remaining due in cents to mark the cart as Paid | |
status | String | The order of the status. Orders start in 'Draft' status, then move to 'PendingPayment' and finally, 'Paid', unless they are 'Cancelled'. | |
total_in_cents | Number | The sum of all the items in this order, plus fees, in USD cents. | |
updated_at | Date | A UTC timestamp for the last time any field in this order was modified. | |
user | DisplayOrderUser | ||
user_id | String | The identifier of the user placing this order | |
expires_at | Date | Checkout carts have a limited time before they expire. This prevents users from blocking inventory from being sold to other customers. The expiry time is configurable on the server and is typically 5 minutes. | [optional] |
organization_id | String | The organization id of the user, if applicable. This will generally be null, unless the purchase is coming via a referral programme. | [optional] |
paid_at | Date | A UTC timestamp for when payment for this order was received. Will be null if no payment has been made yet. | [optional] |
payment_method_data | DisplayOrderPaymentMethodData | [optional] | |
seconds_until_expiry | Number | A convenience field indicating how long before `expires_at` is reached. | [optional] |
Enum: StatusEnumCancelled
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
client_fee_in_cents | Number | The fee attributable to the referral partner, in addition to the nominal unit price, in USD cents. | |
company_fee_in_cents | Number | The fee attributable to the service host or company, in addition to the nominal unit price, in USD cents. | |
created_at | Date | A UTC timestamp for when this order item was created. | |
id | String | A unique identifier for this order item | |
item_type | String | The type of order. Current enumerations are EmojiId and Discount | |
order_id | String | The id of the order this order item | |
quantity | Number | The number of items in the line order. For emoji id sales, this should always be one. | |
refunded_quantity | Number | The number of items refunded. For emoji id sales, this should always at most be one. | |
unit_price_in_cents | Number | The nominal, non-discounted price of the item, in USD cents. | |
updated_at | Date | A UTC timestamp for when any field in the order item was modified. | |
code_id | String | The code associated with this order item for providing a discount. | [optional] |
emoji_id | Object | The emoji id that is being purchased | [optional] |
main_id | String | Main item ID | [optional] |
main_table | Object | Main item table | [optional] |
marked_invalid_at | Date | A UTC timestamp for when this order item was marked as invalid. | [optional] |
marked_invalid_at_reason | String | Marked invalid at reason Taken / PendingPurchase | [optional] |
parent_id | String | Parent order item's ID, set for discounts and fees | [optional] |
rhythm_score | Number | The rhythm score belonging to this order item, only set for order items containing EmojiIds. | [optional] |
Enum: ItemTypeEnumDiscount
Enum: MarkedInvalidAtReasonEnumTaken
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
client_secret | String | Client Secret for the `Stripe` method for Elements and Checkout | |
method | String | Payment method | |
methods | [DisplayOrderPaymentMethodDataMethods] | Metadata for `CoinbaseCommerce` payment method | |
payment_intent_id | String | Payment method ID for `Stripe` method | |
cancel_url | String | Cancel url for `Stripe` method when using Checkout | [optional] |
invoice_id | String | Invoice ID for the `Stripe` method for Elements | [optional] |
session_id | String | Invoice ID for the `Stripe` method for Checkout | [optional] |
success_url | String | Success url for `Stripe` method when using Checkout | [optional] |
Enum: MethodEnumCoinbaseCommerce
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
address | String | ||
amount | Number | ||
currency | String | ||
title | String |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
created_at | Date | ||
free_limit | Number | ||
id | String | ||
pubkeys | [String] | ||
remaining_free_emoji | Number | ||
role | String | ||
two_factor_should_prompt | Boolean | ||
updated_at | Date | ||
alternate_id | String | [optional] | |
deactivated_at | Date | [optional] | |
String | [optional] | ||
email_verified_at | Date | [optional] | |
first_name | String | [optional] | |
last_name | String | [optional] | |
source | String | [optional] | |
two_factor_auth | [String] | [optional] | |
two_factor_last_prompted_at | Date | [optional] |
Enum: RoleEnumAdmin
Enum: [TwoFactorAuthEnum]GoogleAuthenticator
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
clear_on_transfer | Boolean | ||
created_at | Date | ||
eid | String | ||
String | |||
id | String | ||
recipient_id | String | ||
accepted_at | Date | [optional] | |
deleted_at | Date | [optional] | |
message | String | [optional] | |
sender_code_accepted_at | Date | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
created_at | Date | ||
free_limit | Number | ||
id | String | ||
pubkeys | [String] | ||
remaining_free_emoji | Number | ||
role | String | ||
two_factor_should_prompt | Boolean | ||
updated_at | Date | ||
alternate_id | String | [optional] | |
deactivated_at | Date | [optional] | |
String | [optional] | ||
email_verified_at | Date | [optional] | |
first_name | String | [optional] | |
last_name | String | [optional] | |
source | String | [optional] | |
two_factor_auth | [String] | [optional] | |
two_factor_last_prompted_at | Date | [optional] |
Enum: RoleEnumAdmin
Enum: [TwoFactorAuthEnum]GoogleAuthenticator
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
emoji_ids | [String] | ||
alternate_id | String | [optional] | |
created_at | Date | [optional] | |
deactivated_at | Date | [optional] | |
String | [optional] | ||
email_verified_at | Date | [optional] | |
first_name | String | [optional] | |
free_limit | Number | [optional] | |
id | String | [optional] | |
last_name | String | [optional] | |
pubkeys | [String] | [optional] | |
remaining_free_emoji | Number | [optional] | |
role | String | [optional] | |
source | String | [optional] | |
two_factor_auth | [String] | [optional] | |
two_factor_last_prompted_at | Date | [optional] | |
two_factor_should_prompt | Boolean | [optional] | |
updated_at | Date | [optional] |
Enum: RoleEnumAdmin
Enum: [TwoFactorAuthEnum]GoogleAuthenticator
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
bypass_single_restrictions | Boolean | Optional: Allow many addresses per Tag | [optional] |
delete | [String] | Optional: hashes of records to delete | [optional] |
insert | [EditRequestInsert] | Optional: list of records to add | [optional] |
merkle_root | String | Optional: merkle root (use WASM to generate) | [optional] |
signature | String | Optional: signature (use WASM to generate) | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
data | String | Category data in text format | |
tag | String | Category ID as a hex number |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
status | Boolean | Response status. If true, the requested data will be in the result field, null otherwise | |
error | EidResponseError | [optional] | |
result | [EidResponseResult] | Records associated with EmojiID | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
code | String | Error code | |
reason | String |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
data | String | Category data in text or hex encoded formats | |
hash | String | Hash identifies record, can be used to delete records | |
tag | String | Category as a hex string number |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
canonical_format | String | ||
chain_format | String | ||
display_format | String | ||
flippable_emoji | [Boolean] | ||
generation | Number | ||
minted | Boolean | ||
rhythm_score | Number | ||
shape | EmojiListItemShape | ||
shortname | String | ||
blocked_until | Date | [optional] | |
token_id | Number | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
pattern | Object | [optional] | |
shape | String | [optional] |
Enum: ShapeEnumRepeaters
)Eye Heart
(value:"Eye Heart"
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
emoji_id | String | ||
metrics | [EmojiStatsResponseMetrics] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
description | String | ||
finish_date | Date | ||
key | String | Counter object | |
metric | String | Counter type | |
start_date | Date | ||
value | Number | Counter value |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
default | Boolean | Make this method default | |
provider | String | Two factor authentication backend | |
phone | String | Phone number required for `SMS` provider | [optional] |
Enum: ProviderEnumGoogleAuthenticator
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
backup_codes | [String] | One time backup codes to login | [optional] |
ga_qr_code_svg | String | GA secret as QR code in svg image | [optional] |
ga_secret | String | GA base32 encoded secret, will be null when code is disabled | [optional] |
phone_last_digits | String | Phone last digits | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
data | [ListOfCodeAvailabilityData] | [optional] | |
paging | ListOfCodeAvailabilityPaging | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
total_uses | Number | ||
activator | String | [optional] | |
available | Number | [optional] | |
code_type | String | [optional] | |
created_at | Date | [optional] | |
deleted_at | Date | [optional] | |
discount_as_percentage | Number | [optional] | |
discount_in_cents | Number | [optional] | |
end_date | Date | [optional] | |
id | String | [optional] | |
max_emojis_per_user | Number | [optional] | |
max_uses | Number | [optional] | |
name | String | [optional] | |
organization_id | String | [optional] | |
pattern | Object | [optional] | |
redemption_code | String | [optional] | |
start_date | Date | [optional] | |
updated_at | Date | [optional] |
Enum: ActivatorEnumRedemptionCode
Enum: CodeTypeEnumDiscount
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
dir | String | ||
limit | Number | ||
page | Number | ||
sort | String | ||
tags | {String: Object} | ||
total | Number |
Enum: DirEnumAsc
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
data | [ListOfDisplayTransferRequestData] | [optional] | |
paging | ListOfCodeAvailabilityPaging | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
clear_on_transfer | Boolean | ||
created_at | Date | ||
eid | String | ||
String | |||
id | String | ||
recipient_id | String | ||
accepted_at | Date | [optional] | |
deleted_at | Date | [optional] | |
message | String | [optional] | |
sender_code_accepted_at | Date | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
data | [ListOfDisplayUserExtendedData] | [optional] | |
paging | ListOfCodeAvailabilityPaging | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
emoji_ids | [String] | ||
alternate_id | String | [optional] | |
created_at | Date | [optional] | |
deactivated_at | Date | [optional] | |
String | [optional] | ||
email_verified_at | Date | [optional] | |
first_name | String | [optional] | |
free_limit | Number | [optional] | |
id | String | [optional] | |
last_name | String | [optional] | |
pubkeys | [String] | [optional] | |
remaining_free_emoji | Number | [optional] | |
role | String | [optional] | |
source | String | [optional] | |
two_factor_auth | [String] | [optional] | |
two_factor_last_prompted_at | Date | [optional] | |
two_factor_should_prompt | Boolean | [optional] | |
updated_at | Date | [optional] |
Enum: RoleEnumAdmin
Enum: [TwoFactorAuthEnum]GoogleAuthenticator
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
data | [ListOfPublicLootBoxData] | [optional] | |
paging | ListOfCodeAvailabilityPaging | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
average_rhythm_score | Number | Average score of emoji IDs in loot box | |
created_at | Date | ||
id | String | ||
prices | [Number] | The prices of the yats in the box, in cents | |
scores | [Number] | The rhythm scores of the yats in the box | |
status | String | Status loot box will be created in | |
total_value | Number | Total value of EmojiIDs in the Loot Box | |
yats | [String] | Loot box yats | |
lootbox_type | ListOfPublicLootBoxLootboxType | [optional] | |
lootbox_type_id | String | For Admin: The type of loot box, if applicable | [optional] |
owner | ListOfPublicLootBoxOwner | [optional] | |
owner_id | String | Loot box owner_id, required for Owned and Used loot boxes | [optional] |
Enum: StatusEnumDraft
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
config | ListOfPublicLootBoxLootboxTypeConfig | ||
created_at | Date | The timestamp for when this loot box type was created | |
description | String | A more detailed description of the loot box type | |
id | String | The loot box type id | |
name | String | The name of this loot box type |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
guarantees | [AdminNewLootBoxTypeConfigGuarantees] | A set of guaranteed drops in this loot box type | |
max_base_score | Number | The upper bound (inclusive) rhythm score for standard yats in the loot box | |
max_length | Number | Maximum yat length | |
min_base_score | Number | The lower bound (inclusive) rhythm score for standard yats in the loot box | |
min_length | Number | Minimum yat length | |
size | Number | The number of yats in the loot box | |
weights | [AdminNewLootBoxTypeConfigWeights] | A set of probability weightings for chance-based drops |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
created_at | Date | ||
free_limit | Number | ||
id | String | ||
pubkeys | [String] | ||
remaining_free_emoji | Number | ||
role | String | ||
two_factor_should_prompt | Boolean | ||
updated_at | Date | ||
alternate_id | String | [optional] | |
deactivated_at | Date | [optional] | |
String | [optional] | ||
email_verified_at | Date | [optional] | |
first_name | String | [optional] | |
last_name | String | [optional] | |
source | String | [optional] | |
two_factor_auth | [String] | [optional] | |
two_factor_last_prompted_at | Date | [optional] |
Enum: RoleEnumAdmin
Enum: [TwoFactorAuthEnum]GoogleAuthenticator
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
data | [ListOfUserInterestData] | [optional] | |
paging | ListOfCodeAvailabilityPaging | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
created_at | Date | ||
emoji_id | String | ||
id | String | ||
updated_at | Date | ||
user_id | String |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
created_at | Date | Created at time for the record | |
data | Object | Data value stored by key and EmojiID If there is no value for the key an empty object `{}` is returned | |
is_locked | Boolean | Data is locked | |
updated_at | Date | Updated at time for the record | |
locked_future_writes_at | Date | Time the record was locked from future writes | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
current_user | LoadUserCurrentUser | ||
editions | [Number] | ||
extended_list | [LoadUserExtendedList] | ||
incoming_transfers | [ListOfDisplayTransferRequestData] | ||
outgoing_transfers | LoadUserOutgoingTransfers | ||
wallets | [LoadUserWallets] | ||
everflow_transaction_id | String | [optional] | |
sidebar | Object | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
features | [CurrentUserFeatures] | Enabled features for the user | |
global_scopes | [String] | A list of fine-grained permissions the user may perform. | |
organization_roles | {String: String} | The role this user has in each organisation. Organisations are currently not used, but are reserved for future operations. | |
organization_scopes | {String: [String]} | The scopes that are granted to this user for each organisation. Organisations are currently not used, but are reserved for future operations. | |
pending_transfers | [String] | List of transfers pending acceptance on current user side | |
pubkeys | [String] | A list of this user's public keys. When yats are deployed to the blockchain, users prove ownership of their Yats with digital signatures, proving knowledge of the private keys that \"own\" the yat. In the centralised implementation of Yat, the server will custody the users' wallets and private keys, but in other respects the ownership model is the same. | |
role | String | The role assigned to this user. Roles grant authority to user accounts to perform certain actions. | |
user | CurrentUserUser | ||
everflow_transaction_id | String | transaction id indicating if the user signed up from a partner via everflow redirect | [optional] |
Enum: [GlobalScopesEnum]adminCart:update
Enum: {String: String}Admin
Enum: {String: [String]}adminCart:update
Enum: RoleEnumAdmin
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
canonical_format | String | ||
chain_format | String | ||
display_format | String | ||
flippable_emoji | [Boolean] | ||
generation | Number | ||
minted | Boolean | ||
rhythm_score | Number | ||
shape | EmojiListItemShape | ||
shortname | String | ||
blocked_until | Date | [optional] | |
token_id | Number | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
data | [ListOfDisplayTransferRequestData] | [optional] | |
paging | ListOfCodeAvailabilityPaging | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
eth_address | String | ||
user_id | String |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
password | String | Required: Password | |
alternate_id | String | Alternate identifier | [optional] |
String | [optional] | ||
g_recaptcha_response | String | Response from google Recaptcha | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
stats | [EmojiStatsResponseMetrics] | Number of times emoji viewed during past month | |
error | EidResponseError | [optional] | |
result | [EidResponseResult] | Records associated with EmojiID | [optional] |
status | Boolean | Response status. If true, the requested data will be in the result field, null otherwise | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
loot_box_type_id | String | The id of the loot box type to generate | |
num_boxes | Number | The number of loot boxes to generate in this sample |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
loot_boxes | [ListOfPublicLootBoxData] | The set of loot boxes generated. The length of this array may be less than `num_requested` | |
num_requested | Number | The number of loot boxes requested |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
String | [optional] | ||
g_recaptcha_response | String | Response from google Recaptcha | [optional] |
redirect | String | Redirect path | [optional] |
user_id | String | User ID | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
message | String | Message | |
status | String | Status of requested user after completing the login request |
Enum: StatusEnumActive
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
animation_url | String | ||
attributes | [MetadataAttributes] | ||
description | String | ||
external_link | String | ||
image | String | ||
name | String |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
trait_type | String | ||
value | Object |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
emoji_id | String | Emoji ID to express interest in |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
created_at | Date | ||
currencies | [String] | ||
name | String | ||
organization_id | String | ||
requires_email | Boolean | ||
return_link | String | ||
updated_at | Date | ||
logo | String | [optional] | |
logo_small | String | [optional] | |
logo_thumbnail | String | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
status | Boolean | ||
error | EidResponseError | [optional] | |
result | {String: PaymentAddressResponseResult} | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
address | String | The payment address | |
category | String | The category of this address | |
default | Boolean | Optional: Is this address the default address for the category | |
description | String | Optional: Description of the address | [optional] |
long_name | String | Optional: CryptoToken long name is a defined name for the ERC20 token | [optional] |
settlement_network | String | Optional: CryptoToken settlement network for the ERC20 token | [optional] |
short_name | String | Optional: CryptoToken short name to identify an ERC20 token | [optional] |
signature | String | Optional: Proof of ownership signature for the address | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
id | String | ||
payment_type | String | ||
brand | String | [optional] | |
country | String | [optional] | |
exp_month | Number | [optional] | |
exp_year | Number | [optional] | |
last4 | String | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
service | String | `ProxyService` type | |
data | String | The data to pass through to the proxied service | [optional] |
Enum: ServiceEnumEcho
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
json | Object | The response from the proxied service as a Json object | |
value | String | The response from the proxied service as a String |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
average_rhythm_score | Number | Average score of emoji IDs in loot box | |
created_at | Date | ||
id | String | ||
prices | [Number] | The prices of the yats in the box, in cents | |
scores | [Number] | The rhythm scores of the yats in the box | |
status | String | Status loot box will be created in | |
total_value | Number | Total value of EmojiIDs in the Loot Box | |
yats | [String] | Loot box yats | |
lootbox_type | ListOfPublicLootBoxLootboxType | [optional] | |
lootbox_type_id | String | For Admin: The type of loot box, if applicable | [optional] |
owner | ListOfPublicLootBoxOwner | [optional] | |
owner_id | String | Loot box owner_id, required for Owned and Used loot boxes | [optional] |
Enum: StatusEnumDraft
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
config | ListOfPublicLootBoxLootboxTypeConfig | ||
created_at | Date | The timestamp for when this loot box type was created | |
description | String | A more detailed description of the loot box type | |
id | String | The loot box type id | |
name | String | The name of this loot box type |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
result | [RandomResultResult] | Random Emoji IDs |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
availability | String | The availability state of this emoji | |
available | Boolean | Whether the Emoji ID is available for purchase | |
emoji_id | String | Emoji ID in canonical form | |
flippable_emoji | [Boolean] | Which emoji are flippable | |
length | Number | Canonical EmojiID length in emojis | |
minted | Boolean | If this Emoji is minted | |
rhythm_score | Number | EmojiID rhythm score | |
shape | EmojiListItemShape | ||
short_names | [String] | Emoji key words | |
stats | [EmojiStatsResponseMetrics] | Total lookups using this API, if someone is viewing this Emoji ID using their own self hosted node, it will not be counted here | |
copy | Object | EmojiID copy text | [optional] |
generation | Number | The generation of the Yat, if it has been purchased. | [optional] |
origin | String | The origin of the Yat if it was from a Prism Case | [optional] |
price | Number | Pricing in US cents, e.g. 1024 is 10.24 USD. Price is 0 if the emoji is not available | [optional] |
Enum: AvailabilityEnumAvailable
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
nonce | String | Schnorr signature nonce as a hex string | |
pubkey | String | Public key to authorize usage of a code | |
signature | String | Schnorr signature as a hex with alternate_id as a challenge | |
tracking_data | Object | Custom tracking data to be associated with a purchase | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
result | [RandomResultResult] | Recently purchased emoji |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
refresh_token | String | Refresh token obtained from login request |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
activate | Boolean | Optional: Whether to force activation during creation (requires UserActivate scope) | [optional] |
activation_source | String | Optional: Source of activation (requires UserActivate scope) | [optional] |
alternate_id | String | Alternate identifier | [optional] |
String | Email address | [optional] | |
first_name | String | Optional: first name | [optional] |
g_recaptcha_response | String | Response from google Recaptcha | [optional] |
last_name | String | Optional: last name | [optional] |
partner_conversion_id | String | Parameter to pass everflow click id | [optional] |
password | String | Optional: password | [optional] |
source | String | Required when registering with `alternate_id`, source for non custodial user | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
rhythm | Number | The yat rhythm score, a number between 1 (least prestigious) and 100 (most prestigious) |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
alternates | [RandomResultResult] | Alternative Emoji IDs | |
result | SearchResultResult |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
availability | String | The availability state of this emoji | |
available | Boolean | Whether the Emoji ID is available for purchase | |
emoji_id | String | Emoji ID in canonical form | |
flippable_emoji | [Boolean] | Which emoji are flippable | |
length | Number | Canonical EmojiID length in emojis | |
minted | Boolean | If this Emoji is minted | |
rhythm_score | Number | EmojiID rhythm score | |
shape | EmojiListItemShape | ||
short_names | [String] | Emoji key words | |
stats | [EmojiStatsResponseMetrics] | Total lookups using this API, if someone is viewing this Emoji ID using their own self hosted node, it will not be counted here | |
copy | Object | EmojiID copy text | [optional] |
generation | Number | The generation of the Yat, if it has been purchased. | [optional] |
origin | String | The origin of the Yat if it was from a Prism Case | [optional] |
price | Number | Pricing in US cents, e.g. 1024 is 10.24 USD. Price is 0 if the emoji is not available | [optional] |
Enum: AvailabilityEnumAvailable
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
pattern | Object | [optional] | |
shape | String | [optional] |
Enum: ShapeEnumRepeaters
)Eye Heart
(value:"Eye Heart"
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
account | String | ||
expiry | Number | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
account | String | ||
expiry | Number | ||
signature | String | ||
token | String |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
data | Object | Data value allows to store any Json value, limited by 250Kb | |
linked_tags | [EditRequestInsert] | Link tag items as part of the transaction All previously linked tags not present in new request will be deleted | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
message | String |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
message | String | ||
phone_last_digits | String | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
access_token | String | Access token | |
has_password | Boolean | Has a password set | |
refresh_token | String | Refresh token, only required for 2FA (???) | |
requires_2fa | String | Whether has 2FA enabled or not | [optional] |
Enum: Requires2faEnumGoogleAuthenticator
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
clear_on_transfer | Boolean | Clear emoji data when emoji transferred to destination | |
eid | String | ||
String | Transfer to specified email, would register new user account if not existent | ||
force_transfer | Boolean | Admin can force transfer, for regular user it has no effect | |
message | String | Message displayed to recipient and included in the invitiation email | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
everflow_transaction_id | String | transaction id indicating if the user signed up from a partner via everflow redirect | [optional] |
features | [CurrentUserFeatures] | Enabled features for the user | [optional] |
global_scopes | [String] | A list of fine-grained permissions the user may perform. | [optional] |
organization_roles | {String: String} | The role this user has in each organisation. Organisations are currently not used, but are reserved for future operations. | [optional] |
organization_scopes | {String: [String]} | The scopes that are granted to this user for each organisation. Organisations are currently not used, but are reserved for future operations. | [optional] |
pending_transfers | [String] | List of transfers pending acceptance on current user side | [optional] |
pubkeys | [String] | A list of this user's public keys. When yats are deployed to the blockchain, users prove ownership of their Yats with digital signatures, proving knowledge of the private keys that \"own\" the yat. In the centralised implementation of Yat, the server will custody the users' wallets and private keys, but in other respects the ownership model is the same. | [optional] |
role | String | The role assigned to this user. Roles grant authority to user accounts to perform certain actions. | [optional] |
token_response | UpdateAccountResponseTokenResponse | [optional] | |
user | CurrentUserUser | [optional] |
Enum: [GlobalScopesEnum]adminCart:update
Enum: {String: String}Admin
Enum: {String: [String]}adminCart:update
Enum: RoleEnumAdmin
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
access_token | String | Access token | |
has_password | Boolean | Has a password set | |
refresh_token | String | Refresh token, only required for 2FA (???) | |
requires_2fa | String | Whether has 2FA enabled or not | [optional] |
Enum: Requires2faEnumGoogleAuthenticator
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
currencies | [String] | ||
return_link | String | ||
logo | String | [optional] | |
logo_small | String | [optional] | |
logo_thumbnail | String | [optional] | |
requires_email | Boolean | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
current_password | String | Optional: Current password, must be provided if one exists | [optional] |
String | Optional: Email | [optional] | |
first_name | String | Optional: First name | [optional] |
last_name | String | Optional: Last name | [optional] |
password | String | Optional: User password | [optional] |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
created_at | Date | ||
emoji_id | String | ||
id | String | ||
updated_at | Date | ||
user_id | String |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
eth_address | String | ||
user_id | String |
PropertiesName | Type | Description | Notes |
signature | String | ||
source | String |
Enum: SourceEnumMint
Documentation for Authorization#
JWT- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header
apiKey- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization,X-Api-Key
- Location: HTTP header
two_factor- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header